Saturday, November 29, 2008

Stupid Cell Phone

Ok so I went to Verizon 2 weeks ago and complained about my phone and how when I would call someone there was some sort of a reverb that only I was hearing. They gave me another phone (same model) and it was working fine for like 2 days and then it wouldn't vibrate when it was on vibrate mode. I went to the Verizon store up by school (I usually go to the one in the mall) because it was so early last Tuesday that the mall wasn't open yet, and I asked them if they could give me another phone even though I just got this one the week before. They said it was fine and would take about 20 minutes but when I asked if my pictures would transfer over like the other time they told me no so I walked out. A day later my phone started to vibrate again and then this Wednesday my phone just suddenly stopped vibrating again so now I have no idea if I have a text or an incoming call unless my phone is on an actual volume. I'm going to the mall hopefully tomorrow after work to complain AGAIN to verizon and see what they can do. And the best part is as of yesterday, the reverb is back so I'm majorly ticked off. I despise my cell phone with a deep burning passion.

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