Sunday, September 28, 2008

Should prison inmates be allowed to take college courses? Explain why or why not.

No, I don't believe that prison inmates should be allowed to take college courses. They were put away for a reason and to grant them access to a college where there could be a trigger that makes them "lose it" again. If the prison gave them a couple classes then that might be a different story, but to pay for a professor that would feel safe enough to teach in a prison would prove difficult. It's bad enough that we pay for them to be in prison, but now we have to pay for their education too?! Our tax dollars go to fixing up the prisons and paying for the guards salaries, now we have to pay for their education and books like we have normally at a college. Inmates should definitely not be allowed to come to a college though, because of the high risk of danger to the rest of the students.

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