Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"Eight boxes of tissues later"

I'm not exactly into the whole politics thing but if I had to choose I'm pretty sure I'm gonna vote for Obama or write down Mickey Mouse's name just because I can. If it were up to me, I would get rid of everyone and just take normal everyday people and put them in. Having the candidates going on television and cooking or going on SNL (favorite show of all time!!!) would persuade me a little bit more to vote only because it gives us a chance to see them as real people goofing off and having fun instead of being these totally serious and boring political robots. It's easier to for me to make a decision because I can't stand people who are serious all the time and don't know how to have a little fun now and then. I mean yeah, granted their job calls for it, but I'm sure there are things they can do and fundraisers they could attend or something that gives us a chance to see the real person. Personally I would love to see more politics on television, then maybe I would take more interest in them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Try watching The Daily Show or The Colbert Report. They're pretty good at making politics interesting.