Saturday, September 13, 2008

One week down

My first week at OCC wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Granted I was hoping that I would have more people from my high school in some of my classes but it's cool. My classes are pretty fun, I guess. I expected them to be really boring classes where the time just seems to drag on forever, but time actually kind of flies while I'm in some of them. My most challenging class this semester is probably going to be my Chemistry class because its four hours long and at night. I get bored pretty easily and I can't stand in one spot for almost two hours during the lab we have. Thankfully I have one of my best friends in that class and we are lab partners so we sit there poking each other to keep ourselves awake. It's so weird walking around campus and seeing so many people that I graduated with because I figured most of them would have gone away to college, like I was going to do until last minute, when I decided to do Stars. I don't mind it though, I mean of course there's times where I wish I had gone away to college, but I like being home and still being with some of my friends. I think the class that I laugh the most in is my English class. Between the cursing and random comments, the classroom is always laughing even though it's 8 in the morning, it's great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do my best to keep everyone awake. And if that means I need to use 4 letters words and shiny distractions, I'll do it. ::grin::